Information for Parents



Marks awarded for homework, classwork and regular assessments are recorded throughout the year by subject teachers who, by this and other means, monitor pupils’ progress, reporting to the Curriculum Leaders and to a member of the Leadership Group in cases of difficulty. A traffic light system is used to monitor progress. All pupils are regularly assessed during each half term and progress is recorded in a manner and form complying with National Curriculum orders/ Examination requirements. Reports are sent annually to parents, which record the performance of pupils, the comments made by each subject teacher upon the degree of effort shown by the pupil and progress to date. Pupil progress, at all levels, is recognised through a Reward System. Interim reports are also given to pupils in Years 7 to 11.

Yr 12/13 pupils have formal external examinations in June as part of their AS and A2 courses. Parents do not need, however, to wait for reports to establish progress. Parents can contact the appropriate Assistant Headteacher or Learning Manager to arrange an appointment to discuss their child(ren)’s progress at any time.

Home Learning

Home learning is a compulsory part of pupils’ academic work. Home learning tasks set by teachers have to be completed and handed in on time to them.

Pupils receive a diary in which to record home learning tasks, which parents and form tutors sign weekly. Home learning is planned by subject teachers according to the requirements of the syllabus and the stage reached within it. Home learning tasks may take the form of practice, preparation for classwork, individual research, learning basic information, or revision. Parents are urged to check diaries to support children in their learning.

Any resulting queries, should then be taken up at once with the appropriate Assistant Headteacher or learning manager. It is implicit in all this, that parents must themselves take an active responsibility for ensuring that pupils establish a regular pattern of homework.

Grants and Financial Support

Although, as a Voluntary Aided School, the Local Education Authority is responsible for “maintaining” St John Baptist School. There are elements of the costs incurred which are the direct responsibility of the Governors of the school, who can, in certain circumstances, recover some of these from parents. Moreover, participation in optional extra activities having cost implications will, as hitherto, only be on the basis of parental choice, and subject to previous agreement as to charges.

In case of financial need, confidential advice will be given by the Headteacher as to the possible remission, or recovery from other sources, of any charges made.

Friends of St John Baptist School

The ‘Friends’ is an association of Parents, Pupils and Teachers who work to raise considerable sums of money for the pupils of the school.

The Friends hold several events throughout the school year, and the money raised in recent years has been used to purchase staging, blinds, a new sound system for use in the school hall and also the redecoration of classrooms.  Activities include the very popular Curry and Quiz night, the Christmas and Summer Fayre with Bar-b-que.  There is also an opportunity for your child to become a ‘Young Friend’ and become an ambassador for other pupils with regards to fundraising.

All parents are welcome to join or come along to our events.