
A wide variety of meals, including healthy options, is on sale to pupils at lunch time in the school dining hall.

The meal of the day comprises of a main course, dessert and drink.

Alternatively, pupils may bring packed lunches and these must also be eaten in the school dining hall. A packed lunch pre-order form is available to download below. Alternatively, there are copies of the form available on the noticeboard outside the canteen. All pupils, apart from those in Years 12 and 13 and those pupils who live in the vicinity of the school and who have lunch at home, must remain in school throughout the lunch hour.

They are supervised during the lunch hour by the ancillary staff employed by the school for this purpose.

RCT School Meals Menu

Schools Meals Price Increase 20-21

Chilly Iced Juice Nutritional Info

Free School Meals

Please click here to apply for Free School Meals

You may also be eligible for a School Essentials Grant. Please click here for more information.